OpenFeint continues to be the world’s biggest mobile social gaming network with over 115m users. Today the company announced that it will launch a single on system for developers of social games to replace UDIDs on iOS. OpenFeint’s single-sign will be available later in the fall, and it will allow developers to onboard users who want to opt in with only a single click. It will also give developers access to OF’s OFUID, which is a universal account system for the company’s cross-platform users.
So if developers use OFUID to create accounts for the users, they will get access to an account system that is already established. This will save them time, which is required to build it in-house. Thus, with access to OpenFeint’s OFUID, by user content, each developer can examine and even analyse the behaviour of every user across the games, which will help improve the app features as well as to better the targeting efforts.
The CEO and founder of OpenFeint, Jason Citron stated that with the deprecation of UDID, the developers of social games will need access to a more universal method of delivering and identifying services to their players. He added that since at its launch UDID will be available to 115m gamers, it will offer that reach, and it will improve it by giving users a brand new way to share information with their game developers if they want to.
But that is not all. OpenFeint also announced a brand new install trade program for the developers who use the sign-on process. We will guarantee developers 1.5 new installations for every new install of the Game Channel, which is an application that users need to enjoy the benefits of a single sign-on. The SVP at OpenFeint, Ethan Fasset stated that sign-on with OFUID is very flexible and it has been designed to decrease sign up friction for games. The developers will have the opportunity to make sign on optional at the initial launch, and it will display it later if they choose to do so. The developers of social games will also have the opportunity to incentivise the sign-on process by offering users rewards if they sign in or set up their accounts.